Achieving Net Zero in India: Feasibility, Utility, and Financial Impact


Technical Feasibility

As the world grapples with the dire consequences of climate change, countries are setting ambitious targets to reduce their carbon emissions. India, the third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases, has committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2070. This commitment aligns with global efforts to limit the rise in global temperatures to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, a target deemed crucial by climate scientists to avert the worst impacts of climate change. This article explores the feasibility and time frame of achieving net zero in India, considering technical and financial constraints, its utility for the country, and the potential adverse impacts on India’s financial health.

Feasibility and Time Frame of Achieving Net Zero in India

Achieving net-zero emissions requires significant technological advancements and widespread adoption of clean energy solutions. Here are the key technical aspects that need to be addressed:

Financial Feasibility

  1. Renewable Energy Expansion: India has made considerable progress in expanding its renewable energy capacity, particularly in solar and wind power. The country aims to achieve 500 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2030, up from around 100 GW currently. This will require substantial investments in grid infrastructure, energy storage, and advanced forecasting techniques to manage the intermittency of renewable sources.
  2. Energy Efficiency: Enhancing energy efficiency across sectors can significantly reduce energy demand and emissions. This involves adopting energy-efficient technologies in industries, transportation, and buildings. For instance, promoting electric vehicles (EVs), improving public transportation, and implementing green building standards can contribute to energy savings.
  3. Electrification and Decarbonization of Industries: Major industries such as steel, cement, and chemical manufacturing are significant emitters of CO2. Decarbonizing these sectors will require the adoption of low-carbon technologies such as green hydrogen, carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS), and electrification of industrial processes.
  4. Agricultural Practices: Agriculture accounts for a significant portion of India’s emissions due to practices such as rice paddies, enteric fermentation in livestock, and nitrogen fertilizer use. Implementing sustainable agricultural practices, such as precision farming, alternative wetting and drying in rice cultivation, and biogas production from livestock waste, can help reduce emissions.
  5. Afforestation and Reforestation: Expanding forest cover and restoring degraded lands can act as carbon sinks, absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere. This requires a comprehensive land-use strategy and community involvement to ensure the sustainability of afforestation efforts.

Achieving net-zero emissions will require substantial financial investments. The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that India needs to invest around $1.4 trillion in clean energy and infrastructure by 2030 to stay on track for net-zero by 2070. This poses several financial challenges:

  1. Funding Sources: Mobilizing such a vast amount of capital will necessitate a mix of domestic and international funding. This includes public and private sector investments, green bonds, and international climate finance mechanisms. The Indian government will need to create conducive policies and regulatory frameworks to attract private investments and ensure the efficient utilization of funds.
  2. Cost of Transition: The transition to a low-carbon economy involves upfront costs, such as deploying new technologies, upgrading infrastructure, and retraining the workforce. While these investments will yield long-term benefits, the initial financial burden may strain public finances, especially in a developing country like India.
  3. Economic Diversification: Sectors heavily reliant on fossil fuels, such as coal mining and thermal power generation, will face economic disruptions. The government must implement just transition policies to support workers and communities affected by the shift to cleaner energy sources. This includes reskilling programs, social safety nets, and economic diversification strategies.
  4. Climate Adaptation and Resilience: In addition to mitigation efforts, India must invest in climate adaptation measures to protect vulnerable populations and infrastructure from the impacts of climate change. This includes building resilient infrastructure, enhancing water management systems, and developing early warning systems for extreme weather events.

Time Frame

Achieving net-zero emissions by 2070 is an ambitious but attainable target for India, provided that the country adopts a phased and strategic approach:

  1. Short-term (2020-2030): Focus on expanding renewable energy capacity, enhancing energy efficiency, and promoting electric mobility. This decade will lay the foundation for deeper decarbonization efforts by building the necessary infrastructure and institutional frameworks.
  2. Medium-term (2030-2050): Accelerate the adoption of advanced low-carbon technologies in industry, agriculture, and transportation. Strengthen regulatory frameworks and market mechanisms to drive emissions reductions across sectors.
  3. Long-term (2050-2070): Achieve near-complete decarbonization of all sectors, with residual emissions offset by carbon removal technologies and enhanced natural carbon sinks. By this stage, India should have a mature and resilient low-carbon economy, supported by continuous innovation and strong international cooperation.

Utility of Net Zero for India

Achieving net-zero emissions will have significant benefits for India, spanning environmental, economic, and social dimensions:

  1. Environmental Benefits: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions will mitigate the impacts of climate change, such as extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and biodiversity loss. This will protect India’s natural resources, agriculture, and ecosystems, ensuring long-term environmental sustainability.
  2. Energy Security: Transitioning to renewable energy sources will reduce India’s dependence on imported fossil fuels, enhancing energy security and reducing vulnerability to global energy price fluctuations. This will also promote energy access and affordability for the population.
  3. Economic Growth: The clean energy transition presents opportunities for economic growth and job creation. Developing renewable energy infrastructure, manufacturing electric vehicles, and deploying green technologies can stimulate new industries and generate employment. Additionally, improved energy efficiency can lead to cost savings and increased competitiveness for businesses.
  4. Public Health: Reducing air pollution from fossil fuel combustion will have significant public health benefits. Cleaner air will lower the incidence of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, improving the quality of life for millions of Indians and reducing healthcare costs.
  5. Global Leadership: By committing to net-zero emissions, India can position itself as a global leader in climate action. This can enhance its diplomatic standing, strengthen international partnerships, and attract foreign investments in clean technologies.

Adverse Impact on Financial Health of India

While the transition to a net-zero economy offers numerous benefits, it also poses several financial challenges that need to be carefully managed:

  1. Upfront Investment Costs: The substantial capital required for clean energy infrastructure, technology deployment, and workforce training may strain public finances. Balancing these investments with other development priorities, such as poverty alleviation, healthcare, and education, will be challenging.
  2. Economic Disruption: The shift away from fossil fuels may lead to job losses and economic dislocation in sectors such as coal mining, oil and gas, and thermal power generation. Managing these disruptions through just transition policies will require significant financial resources and careful planning.
  3. Debt Burden: Increased public spending on climate action may lead to higher fiscal deficits and public debt. This could limit the government’s ability to invest in other critical areas and increase borrowing costs, potentially impacting macroeconomic stability.
  4. Opportunity Costs: Diverting resources towards climate action may result in opportunity costs, as funds that could have been used for immediate socio-economic development are allocated to long-term environmental goals. Ensuring that climate investments also deliver short-term benefits, such as job creation and improved public services, will be essential.
  5. Inflationary Pressures: The transition to cleaner energy sources may initially lead to higher energy costs, contributing to inflationary pressures. Policymakers will need to implement measures to protect vulnerable populations and manage the inflationary impact on the economy.


Achieving net-zero emissions in India by 2070 is a technically and financially challenging but essential goal. The country must adopt a phased approach, focusing on renewable energy expansion, energy efficiency, and advanced low-carbon technologies. While the transition offers significant environmental, economic, and social benefits, it also poses financial challenges that need to be carefully managed.

To succeed, India must mobilize substantial financial resources, create conducive policy frameworks, and ensure a just transition for affected communities. The journey to net zero will require continuous innovation, strong political will, and international cooperation. By rising to this challenge, India can secure a sustainable and prosperous future for its people and contribute meaningfully to global climate action.

Amulya Charan

Pune, India 

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